About Us
Cellulose MILLtm is your specialist for mills with hammers or discs (known as crushers). Treated or untreated celluloses, or any natural fibers, can be processed by our mills thanks to the special rotor and carbide teeth design.
Our Company
CelluloseMills™ is part of Sani-Group. The company was born in late 1999s under the initiative of Mikael Bahlouli, putting to good use his strong experience on machines and automation.
Leading company in producing mills and experience in working with natural fibers, ability to find the most suitable solutions to generate economies, improving performances, quality and reducing errors. A staff of highly specialized employees and technicians guarantee the excellence that has led the company to become one of the most sought after worldwide for design, manufacture and sale of drum forming units. The factory is based in Abruzzo, central Italy, easily reachable from Rome.